Tuesday, February 24, 2009

EEK! My story of mice and men

As a student living in my own apartment, I deal with rodents--mice in particular. When my roommate and I first moved in we were at a total loss on how to deal with the critters. This is the point that I come to with my first multi-media project. I want to present a how-to feature on removing mice from a residence. I think to be fair I should include both humane and traditional ways to remove mice.

  1. I found a few local pest removal experts from the phone book and I am currently contacting them to see if I can interview and shadow them.
  2. Sandra Clausen- My roommate. She is the one who handles the "disposal" of the mice.
  3. Timothy Dadourian- A junior TU student who deals with mice problems in his home.
  4. I want to go to the Off Campus Housing Fair tomorrow (2/25) at TU. While there, I want to get the contact information for apartments in the area. I will also ask representatives there about mouse issues and how their complex/ residents handle rodents.
  5. I am looking for other students who live on their own who have mice. If you know of anyone, please leave a comment and I will be glad to get in touch with them.
  6. Myself- Since I live with mice, I am a good source. I usually try not to include myself in the story but if putting myself in will advance the story that much more, why not?

Photo Possibilities:

  1. If I shadow the pest control specialist, I could get shots of them setting a trap or removing one.
  2. I know it will be a hard one to capture but I would like to get a live shot of a mouse.
  3. I could get the reactions of students after they have seen a mouse.

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